Posts Tagged 'connection'

Innovative Bamboo Dome, Pavilion at Bauhaus
80|50|360Temporary Pavilion (>>>DEUTSCHE VERSION)by Karen Modrei and Marco Luca Reusch This pavilion was designed in the course of a bachelor thesis and should serve as a temporary structure that is not only an exhibition entry, but a semi-private space in
14. November 2019 /
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Innovative Bamboo Dome, Pavilion at Bauhaus
80|50|360Temporary Pavilion (>>>DEUTSCHE VERSION)by Karen Modrei and Marco Luca Reusch This pavilion was designed in the course of a bachelor thesis and should serve as a temporary structure that is not only an exhibition entry, but a semi-private space in
14. November 2019 /
Kommentare deaktiviert für Innovative Bamboo Dome, Pavilion at Bauhaus