Next Level Bamboo Design from India

„One of the most inspiring stories emerging in Indian design is that of Bamboo. This however, is not simply a tale of designers creating cutting-edge aesthetically driven products from eco-friendly material; this is about a holistic approach to sustainable design that is empowering artisans in rural India to become self-sufficient. […]“

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Bemerkenswerte indische Designs aus Bambuslatten und Bambusrohren zur Herstellung von Regalen, Sitzmöbeln, Lampen sowie Alltagsgegenständen sehen Sie bei wallpaper.

Bambusfassade rhizom design studio - Fassade aus Bambusrohr
Garima Aggarwal bamboo stool - Bambushocker aus Bambuslatten
Andrea Noronha bamboo lamp - Lambe aus Bambus-Rohr

weiterführende Links:

National Institute of Design India

Sangaru Design Studio